7 Business Gifts to Wow Your Customers & Market Your Business
Having attended many meetings, events and seminars recently, the repeating message that I hear from business owners is despite their best efforts, how they are struggling to keep their name in front of their clients. Many of those businesses have asked for our advice and help in selecting the right promotional products for them to use with their marketing so that they can stop their message from getting lost in the crowd.
Below, are our lucky seven products that we highly recommend and our reasons for doing so. They are all practical suggestions to help you choose the right products for your business and not just the latest gimmick doing the rounds. Our suggestions dispel the belief that you need to put something entirely different in front of your customers every time and how using tried and tested products with good consistent marketing will improve your results. Over the last 20 years in the business, I have personally received all manner of business gifts with many becoming consigned to firstly the bottom drawer with all the other junk and eventually to the bin. Is this where you want your brand message to end up?
The old favourite and top of our list of items for branding. At every business I visit I see staff using pens, right from the MD’s, throughout offices, in factories, on shop floors, in warehouses and in delivery bays. They’re used everywhere! Not just are they a great way for you to get your brand recognised, you can choose from a variety of qualities depending on the importance of the customer you want to wow or you can choose a cheap as chips option too.
In every business you get the pen thief. Don’t let your name disappear from your clients mind when one of their colleagues has cleared off with their pen. Our recommendation is to supply a notepad too. That way, when the pen leaves the desk, your name does not. Available in all manner of sizes, these can be a cost effective way of keeping your name constantly in front of your clients.
Not everyone likes to write in Pen so a great accompaniment for both the notepad and pen would be a pencil. It is also less likely to go walkies from your desk too so could have even more longevity than the pen and will ensure your brand remains a constant reminder.
For those of us that are forever making mistakes, the eraser is another great item used throughout the business world and another low cost option for branding your business.
If you’re like me i’m always measuring things too so having a ruler at hand is essential. What better way is there of grabbing a clients attention than them seeing your name on the ruler in front of them just as they’re writing down that important measurement.
Pen Pot/Desk Tidy
Now you’ve inundated your clients and prospects with some fantastic marketing and great useful gifts that they can use day in day out, the icing on the cake is this one that gives them a nice tidy place for them to store them all. Oh and guess what, they even get to see your name again!
The best businesses don’t just work, they have fun and play time too. What better way is there of putting your brand in front of your clients than when they’re having their cuppa? Nowadays, everyone has meetings in coffee shops but could the coffee shop meeting be damaging your brand? With the average price of a UK coffee shop coffee now at £2.20, at the end of the meeting your name could be gone from your clients mind and the disposable cup will have ended up in the bin. Can you afford not to be putting a Mug in front of your customer?
Ok so I fibbed in saying there were seven. Like the notepad is an accompaniment for the pen, the coaster is a must with every mug. Don’t let your message get washed down the plughole when it’s moved off the desk to the sink. Make sure your client has a coaster with your name on too so that remains constant even when the mug does not.
In Summary
As with all branding and marketing, the secret is to be consistent. All of the above are simple things
any business owner, brand manager, marketing expert could and should be using within their
business without any of them putting a huge dent in your marketing budget. The question is are you? If not, call us NOW on 01384 441075 to discuss your requirements!